Monday, August 23, 2010

Caleb's Dragon Bank!

Daddy decided that he wanted to make Caleb a piggy bank. Reuben's dad has plans already drawn up for different animals like an elephant, panda bear and other animals. Reuben asked Caleb which one he wanted and he said um....DRAGON! We didn't have any plans drawn up for this one so he had to go draw some up. Caleb was so excited that he was getting a dragon bank. So, last night we sat out in Reuben's dad's shop and made this dragon bank for Caleb. We had to wait for the glue to dry so this morning Reuben sat down and painted it. Caleb was sooooo excited to get it. Caleb's been going all around the house finding pennies to stick in bank.

1 comment:

Erica Bazil said...

How creative! It looks great! I better not show Cash or that's what he'll be begging for next and I'm sure we're not that talented to come up with one. :)