Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today I got my hair cut and I am absolutely loving it! I don't get to get my hair very often so I am very excited. It will definitely take me less time in the morning too!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ahoy, Matey!

Caleb was a pirate for Halloween this year and he looked incredibly adorable! I'm really surprised that he kept the scarf on his head but I think he was enjoying the outfit. On Friday I took him to the trunk or treat at the church and man was he excited to go to a Halloween party. I guess all day at Grandma and Grandpa Smiths he was asking when the party was. He had a blast!

Pumpking Carving

On Wednesday Chris, a friend of ours, Reuben and I sat down and carved pumpkins. The first pumpkin is mine the second pumpkin is Reuben's and the last one is Chris's. We had a fun time carving them but Chris sure did have problems with his. Once he finally got the top off we realized that it was about 4-5 inches thick throughout the pumpkin. A pie probably could have been made with the lid alone! So, needless to say he couldn't carve enough of the inside out for the light to show through the pumpkin. But it still looks cool anyway!

Halloween Decorations

My absolute favorite decoration growing up was this ghost holding a pumpkin. My mom was nice enough to pass it on to me and I was so excited to get it. This ghost was handmade by someone in the family so that makes it even more special.

Halloween Village

This is my village that I put up every year. It's one of my favorite decorations.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Decorating Cookies

Yesterday Acacia (Reuben's niece) came over and we went to the Super Saturday (crafts) at the church and then we came back to the house and we decorated cookies. We had tons of fun and thoroughly enjoyed taking our time decorating these cookies. Some are a little morbid but it was so fun! Anyway, the first set of pictures are the ones that I did and the second set are the pictures Acacia did.

Acacia's cookies

These are pictures of Acacia's cookies. She's the artistic one and did an awesome job on the cookies.

Acacia's cookies cont'd

The cookies!

These are pictures of all the cookies we decorated. It took us forever to decorated these but we had a blast doing it!

Comfy Caleb

About a week ago I was folding laundry and had just finished folding and putting the clothes in piles on the floor. I decided to go on the computer for a few minutes and when I went back into the living room I found Caleb, his blankets and his doggy all snuggled into the basket. He looked so cute and comfortable! Then Simon decided to join him. Silly Kid.

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Very Bad Day

Reuben and I had a very interesting morning today. I couldn't figure out why Reuben hadn't shown up from work. From what I knew he was coming straight from work. Well, it was about an hour after the time he normally gets home and he still wasn't home. I was starting to get worried so I called his cell and asked him where he was. He told me that he was in a tow truck. I asked him if he had broken down and he said well....sort of. I asked him what that meant and he said that they were almost to the house and that he would talk to me when he got there. Well come to find out he had been in a car accident. He was coming home from work and had just come around a corner on the highway in Fruitland and a lady turned left right in front of him and Reuben ended up t-boning her at 40 mph. As you can see from the picture it smashed in the driver side front part of the car. It actually did more damage to her van than our little Honda. With the lady's van the impact ripped the axle off of the springs and shoved it into the body of the car. Something that was pretty amazing was that a piece of our bumper got shoved between a rim and a tire on her van and the tire was still inflated. Kinda crazy. Anyway, she had a little boy with her and Reuben said that he was a little banged up. His eye immediately began to swell and he probably had whiplash. The paramedics took him to the hospital to get him checked out. Well, this lady saw Reuben coming but thought that she would be able to cross over into the other lane before Reuben got to where she was. Well, that was definitely miss judged. Well, Reuben's back is pretty sore but I think he'll be okay. The Sheriff's department still has to do the paperwork so they said we won't here anything until Monday but the lady was cited. I guess we'll see if they total out the car or repair it. It's old enough and has enough miles that it would be better just to give us the money for what it's worth but I guess we'll see. We'll let you know what happens. You all take care and DRIVE SAFE! Keep an eye out for other drivers!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our Newest Addition

On Tuesday while I was working Reuben and Caleb came into the store and daddy said that Caleb had something to ask me. Caleb then said "kitty?" I then of course gave daddy a dirty look. They had gone to the pet store to get a fish for our tank and Caleb saw the kittens and just fell in love with the cats. He told Caleb that he had to ask mommy first. Reuben then told me that these cats were only ten dollars but they weren't fixed yet. I love cats and so I said that we could go over together and look at them when I got off of work. We were wanting a male since they are cheaper to fix but there was only one there and I wanted one that had mixed colors so I told Reuben that we could go to the 2nd Chance shelter. We don't particularly like this shelter because they yelled at Reuben when we tried to bring one of our cats. They said "does it look like we have any room?" I think they could've been a little nicer about it. But, I knew that they fixed their kittens and gave them their first set of shots before you take them home so that's why I suggested going there. I know it sounds crazy that we were wanting a cat when we had gotten rid of one of our other cats but we had to get rid of her because she was peeing on everything. We tried everything and she still did it. This is flat out not tolerated in our house. So anyway, this is the kitten that we ended up getting. He is now 12 weeks old and he is so incredibly cute. He's got massive ears, wiry hair and long hair in his ears. I picked this one since he had the coolest markings. The kitten is doing really well and he settled in within a few hours. It took us a couple of days to name him but we finally decided on Simon.

Mommies Little Helper

Yesterday while Caleb and I were playing outside he went over to our garden and started picking the tomatoes. I went inside and got a bowl and this is how many tomatoes he picked. He had so much fun and he was a big help!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Steven's Farewell

Two weekends ago Caleb and I went down to Bountiful, Utah for Steven's farewell (my cousin). We all had a blast and we all really enjoyed each others company. On Saturday we went to a pool party at my uncle Randy and aunt Mary's house and they had a BBQ. It was so nice to see family again. It's been quite a while. While I was down there, I was also able to see Cari's new house which was an awesome house. Congrats on the home Cari! So, overall it was a pretty good trip. Good luck Steven!

Caleb's Entertainment

The entire time we were at the Seller's house Caleb went back and forth from the trampoline and a little magnetic fishing pole. We couldn't keep him away from either. He had so much fun!

Grandma and Me

Also during this farewell was Josh's birthday (my cousin's husband), my dad's birthday and grandma Ruby's birthday. Happy birthday to all!

Pool Time!

Caleb got in the pool and was playing basket ball with uncle Randy. Man he had loads of fun!

Watch Out For Noodles!

My aunt Mary and aunt DeAnn were being goofy and fighting with pool noodles. If was hilarious!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Kung Fu Masters

Here's a video of my aunt Mary and aunt DeAnn play fighting.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Whole New World

This is a duet that I did with Gabe Bondoc. He is a really good singer who had lots of different songs posted on You Tube.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The Past three nights in a row we have had some incredible thunderstorms. Of course I don't have the best of camera to capture the lightening but oh well, I do the best that I can. Anyway, lightening is one of my favorite things and I was able to catch a few pictures.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Church Calling

So, I thought I would let you all know that I got a new calling at church last Saturday. I am now the primary pianist. I was so excited when they asked me. I've been waiting for three years to have a music calling and I finally got one! They couldn't have put me in a more perfect calling. This is where I've wanted to be for a really long time. I am sad that I'm not teaching anymore though. My kids were disappointed too. I'm going to miss my students and having a real lesson. Oh well, it's worth it. Anyway, I just thought I would share the good news with you all!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Camping Trip

Last weekend we went camping up at Brundage Reservoir up by a place called Sater's Meadow and man the scenery is beautiful. Of course the mosquitoes were bad too but that's why there is bug spray. We went up for three days and we had his parents with us, our friends Chris and Carrie and their two girls and they also brought a friend's two boys with them and we had Lucky another good friend of ours with us. Camping was a blast! Of course not being able to have our four wheeler there was annoying. Idaho just made a law that you have to have a title for your four wheeler now and we don't have one for ours. It wasn't even running when Reuben got it and he didn't think he'd need a title. Oh well, we still had fun. The kids and the men went up fishing and Carrie and I stayed back and watched Caleb and played cards. Mom and dad stayed and relaxed. The food was great, the company was great and it was just nice to get out.

The Water's Cold!

Caleb thoroughly enjoyed the water at camp. When we first got to camp he went and got in the water...with his clothes on. We ended up changing his out fit three times the first day. Of course when I actually got his little swimmer on and went down to the water with him he didn't want to get in past his feet. Oh well, he still had fun.