Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our Newest Addition

On Tuesday while I was working Reuben and Caleb came into the store and daddy said that Caleb had something to ask me. Caleb then said "kitty?" I then of course gave daddy a dirty look. They had gone to the pet store to get a fish for our tank and Caleb saw the kittens and just fell in love with the cats. He told Caleb that he had to ask mommy first. Reuben then told me that these cats were only ten dollars but they weren't fixed yet. I love cats and so I said that we could go over together and look at them when I got off of work. We were wanting a male since they are cheaper to fix but there was only one there and I wanted one that had mixed colors so I told Reuben that we could go to the 2nd Chance shelter. We don't particularly like this shelter because they yelled at Reuben when we tried to bring one of our cats. They said "does it look like we have any room?" I think they could've been a little nicer about it. But, I knew that they fixed their kittens and gave them their first set of shots before you take them home so that's why I suggested going there. I know it sounds crazy that we were wanting a cat when we had gotten rid of one of our other cats but we had to get rid of her because she was peeing on everything. We tried everything and she still did it. This is flat out not tolerated in our house. So anyway, this is the kitten that we ended up getting. He is now 12 weeks old and he is so incredibly cute. He's got massive ears, wiry hair and long hair in his ears. I picked this one since he had the coolest markings. The kitten is doing really well and he settled in within a few hours. It took us a couple of days to name him but we finally decided on Simon.

1 comment:

The Fairbanks Clan said...

The boys will be excited to see him, even though he won't be a kitten then. How fun!